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제1부 신체 기관
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4 / 212 목차
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학습 방법
제1부 신체 기관
Q 1. This has lips and teeth
Q 1. This has lips and teeth (풀이)
Q 2. This is on your head
Q 2. This is on your head (풀이)
Q 3. This is on your hand
Q 3. This is on your hand (풀이)
Q 4. Your brain is inside of this
Q 4. Your brain is inside of this (풀이)
Q 5. This is on your face
Q 5. This is on your face (풀이)
Q 6. This is located above your eyes
Q 6. This is located above your eyes (풀이)
Q 7. Dogs stick this out to get rid of body heat
Q 7. Dogs stick this out to get rid of body heat (풀이)
제2부 이동수단
Q 8. This is an underground train in Seoul, Pusan and Daegu
Q 8. This is an underground train in Seoul, Pusan and Daegu (풀이)
Q 9. This holds many people
Q 9. This holds many people (풀이)
Q 10. This moves on tracks
Q 10. This moves on tracks (풀이)
Q 11. This car has a light on top of it
Q 11. This car has a light on top of it ( 풀이)
Q 12. This has two wheels
Q 12. This has two wheels (풀이)
Q 13. This moves on water
Q 13. This moves on water (풀이)
Q 14. This launches satellites into space
Q 14. This launches satellites into space (풀이)
Q 15. You can ride on this
Q 15. You can ride on this (풀이)
제3부 동물
Q 16. This is a small gray or brown animal
Q 16. This is a small gray or brown animal (풀이)
Q 17. I am a good swimmer
Q 17. I am a good swimmer (풀이)
Q 18. I am a bird
Q 18. I am a bird (풀이)
Q 19. This is a tiny insect
Q 19. This is a tiny insect (풀이)
Q 20. This is a flying insect
Q 20. This is a flying insect (풀이)
Q 21. This is an insect
Q 21. This is an insect (풀이)
Q 22. This is a large animal
Q 22. This is a large animal (풀이)
Q 23. This is an animal
Q 23. This is an animal (풀이)
Q 24. This is a big bird
Q 24. This is a big bird (풀이)
Q 25. This is a very big mammal
Q 25. This is a very big mammal (풀이)
Q 26. This is an animal that lives in water
Q 26. This is an animal that lives in water (풀이)
Q 27. This is an animal
Q 27. This is an animal (풀이)
Q 28. This is a very tall animal
Q 28. This is a very tall animal (풀이)
Q 29. This is a large insect
Q 29. This is a large insect (풀이)
Q 30. This is an animal
Q 30. This is an animal (풀이)
Q 31. This is a large animal
Q 31. This is a large animal (풀이)
Q 32. This is a large animal that is in the cat family
Q 32. This is a large animal that is in the cat family (풀이)
Q 33. This is a furry animal with long arms and legs
Q 33. This is a furry animal with long arms and legs (풀이)
Q 34. This is a bird that lives in very cold places
Q 34. This is a bird that lives in very cold places (풀이)
Q 35. This is an animal with a fat body and short legs
Q 35. This is an animal with a fat body and short legs (풀이)
Q 36. This is an animal
Q 36. This is an animal (풀이)
Q 37. This is a male chicken
Q 37. This is a male chicken (풀이)
Q 38. This is a large fish
Q 38. This is a large fish (풀이)
Q 39. This is a farm animal
Q 39. This is a farm animal (풀이)
Q 40. This is a long, thin reptile
Q 40. This is a long, thin reptile (풀이)
Q 41. This is a very small animal
Q 41. This is a very small animal (풀이)
Q 42. This is a wild animal from Africa
Q 42. This is a wild animal from Africa (풀이)
Q 43. This is a large wild cat
Q 43. This is a large wild cat (풀이)
Q 44. This is a reptile
Q 44. This is a reptile (풀이)
Q 45. This is a very large animal
Q 45. This is a very large animal (풀이)
Q 46. This is a wild animal
Q 46. This is a wild animal (풀이)
Q 47. This is a bird with a large, curved beak
Q 47. This is a bird with a large, curved beak (풀이)
Q 48. This is a small black animal
Q 48. This is a small black animal (풀이)
Q 49. This is an animal that lives in the sea
Q 49. This is an animal that lives in the sea (풀이)
Q 50. This is the largest bird in the world
Q 50. This is the largest bird in the world (풀이)
Q 51. This is a reptile
Q 51. This is a reptile (풀이)
Q 52. This is an imaginary monster
Q 52. This is an imaginary monster (풀이)
Q 53. This is a large bird
Q 53. This is a large bird (풀이)
제4부 식물
Q 54. It is the national flower of Peru
Q 54. It is the national flower of Peru (풀이)
Q 55. It's a flower
Q 55. It's a flower (풀이)
Q 56. This flower is the symbol of purity
Q 56. This flower is the symbol of purity (풀이)
Q 57. This flower is used to grade the level of facilities at a hotel, with five being the highest level
Q 57. This flower is used to grade the level of facilities at a hotel, with five being the highest level (풀이)
제5부 식품
Q 58. I am sad because people call me an ugly fruit
Q 58. I am sad because people call me an ugly fruit (풀이)
Q 59. I am a round vegetable that grows underground
Q 59. I am a round vegetable that grows underground (풀이)
Q 60. I am orange
Q 60. I am orange (풀이)
Q 61. I am red
Q 61. I am red (풀이)
Q 62. This thing is yellow
Q 62. This thing is yellow (풀이)
Q 63. I am made from milk
Q 63. I am made from milk (풀이)
Q 64. I have no face
Q 64. I have no face (풀이)
Q 65. I am very sweet
Q 65. I am very sweet (풀이)
Q 66. People love me in summer
Q 66. People love me in summer (풀이)
Q 67. A long time ago people used this for medicine
Q 67. A long time ago people used this for medicine (풀이)
Q 68. Ingesting too much of this can cause wrinkles
Q 68. Ingesting too much of this can cause wrinkles (풀이)
Q 69. An American environmentalist suggested that people plant this in their yards to check for air pollution
Q 69. An American environmentalist suggested that people plant this in their yards to check for air pollution (풀이)
제6부 과일
Q 70. I am a kind of fruit
Q 70. I am a kind of fruit (풀이)
Q 71. I am sweet and juicy
Q 71. I am sweet and juicy (풀이)
Q 72. I come in a bunch
Q 72. I come in a bunch (풀이)
Q 73. I am green on the outside and red on the inside
Q 73. I am green on the outside and red on the inside (풀이)
제7부 사물
Q 74. Without me, humans could not be who they are
Q 74. Without me, humans could not be who they are (풀이)
Q 75. My body is metal
Q 75. My body is metal (풀이)
Q 76. No one can have a better memory than me
Q 76. No one can have a better memory than me (풀이)
Q 77. I am living in your room
Q 77. I am living in your room (풀이)
Q 78. I live in a room or office
Q 78. I live in a room or office (풀이)
Q 79. I wave when it is windy
Q 79. I wave when it is windy (풀이)
Q 80. I have many keys but no doors
Q 80. I have many keys but no doors (풀이)
Q 81. I have legs but cannot walk
Q 81. I have legs but cannot walk (풀이)
Q 82. I am made of rubber
Q 82. I am made of rubber (풀이)
Q 83. I am usually white
Q 83. I am usually white (풀이)
Q 84. It is made of wood
Q 84. It is made of wood (풀이)
Q 85. This is made of wood
Q 85. This is made of wood (풀이)
Q 86. We sleep on this at night
Q 86. We sleep on this at night (풀이)
Q 87. This gives me light to see
Q 87. This gives me light to see (풀이)
Q 88. You can wear these on your feet
Q 88. You can wear these on your feet (풀이)
Q 89. These help you see
Q 89. These help you see (풀이)
Q 90. Wear this when it is raining
Q 90. Wear this when it is raining (풀이)
Q 91. This is a small cloth
Q 91. This is a small cloth (풀이)
Q 92. This is women’s clothing
Q 92. This is women’s clothing (풀이)
Q 93. Wear this on your head
Q 93. Wear this on your head (풀이)
Q 94. Students use me
Q 94. Students use me (풀이)
Q 95. I am round
Q 95. I am round (풀이)
Q 96. It is 92 meters high
Q 96. It is 92 meters high (풀이)
제8부 인물
Q 97. I work in a school
Q 97. I work in a school (풀이)
Q 98. This woman won the Nobel Peace Prize
Q 98. This woman won the Nobel Peace Prize (풀이)
Q 99. What do you call a person who takes care of sick people?
Q 99. What do you call a person who takes care of sick people? (풀이)
Q 100. I was born in India in 1869
Q 100. I was born in India in 1869 (풀이)
판권 정보